Teen/Youth Cooking Class – One Pot & One Pan Dinners
Cooking class designed just for your young adult. PRICE INCLUDES DINNER FOR FOUR. Extra full-meal portions available for $15 per person (arranged before class)
The young cooks at this class will learn how to make a delicious, satisfying meal all in one pot (stove) and all in one pan (oven). Healthy, homemade food is just one class away for your child and the best part? They bring home dinner for their family at the end of class (four people)! Giving your child the ability to cook for themselves is one of the best investments you can make in your child. Class starts just after school and they’ll be ready with dinner-in-hand by 5:45 when you pick them up. We’ll give them a hearty snack and beverage when they arrive and we have everything they need to prepare this meal. No problem if they arrive a little early, we’ll be waiting for them!